New Rules of Measurement - Update
The RICS New Rules of Measurement - Detailed Measurement for Building Works ('NRM2') have been published and JCT has issued an update with amendments for JCT main contracts and sub-contracts.
The amendments in the main contracts apply to the Standard Building Contract (all versions - SBC/Q, SBC/AQ, SBC/XQ) and the Intermediate Building Contract (both versions - IC and ICD). Amendments are also set out for the Construction Management Trade Contract, where different measurement rules may apply.
The amendments for sub-contracts apply to the Standard Building Sub-Contract (both versions – SBCSub/D/C and SBCSub/C), the Design and Build Sub-Contract (DBSub/C), the Intermediate Sub-Contract (both versions – ICSub/D/C and ICSub/C), the Intermediate Named Sub-Contract (ICSub/NAM/C), and the Management Works Contract (MCWC/C).
The NRM2 have been published with a view to replacing the Standard Method of Measurement for Building Works (‘SMM7’) from 1 January 2013. NRM2 should be used instead of SMM7 for all relevant JCT contracts and sub-contracts entered into on or after that date, but if users wish to use NRM2 instead of SMM7 for contracts or sub-contracts entered into before that date they may do so.
JCT New Rules of Measurement Update - August 2012 (PDF 106KB)